Our Services

At Apollo Wellness we offer cutting edge medical wellness therapies that include IV therapies, Recovery options, Wellness Injections, Weight loss solutions, Hormone replacement therapy and more.

Apollo Optimal Health Services

Anti Aging

Hormone Therapy

IV Therapy


Weight Loss

Apollo Wellness

IV Therapy

NAD+ 1000MG

Recovery IV therapy is often used by athletes to support post-workout recovery, helps with dehydration, illness and aides in rapid recovery for the most extreme workouts.

Glutathione, Vitamin C, B12, BCAA’s and Zinc Sulfate.


Recovery IV therapy is often used by athletes to support post-workout recovery, helps with dehydration, illness and aides in rapid recovery for the most extreme workouts.

Glutathione, Vitamin C, B12, BCAA’s and Zinc Sulfate.


IV weight loss therapy involves administration of fluids, vitamins into blood streams to support metabolism, energy levels and overall health.

ALA, B6, L-lysine, L-carnitine, Lippo C injection.


Immune boosting IV therapy, is a treatment that involves administering fluids, vitamins, minerals to directly enhance the body’s immune system. Feeling sick or run down? Come see our team at Apollo, we will get you back on track In no time and feeling great.

B-Complex, Tri amino, Vitamin C, Glutathione.


A high powered cocktail of energy and metabolism boosting B vitamins like B1, B6, and B12 along with a high dose of ascorbic acid (vitamin c) for immune boosting and antioxidant benefits along with a blend of amino acids to supercharge your health.


IV therapy for hangover or liver detoxification involves the administration of fluids, electrolytes, vitamins, directly into bloodstream to help alleviate symptoms associated with alcohol consumption or support the body’s detoxification process. Saline, Dextrose, B12 and Thiamine.


Glutathione is a tripeptide molecule composed of three amino acids, glutamine, cysteine, and glycine. It is a powerful antioxidant found in almost every cell of the body, playing crucial role in neutralizing free radicals and reactive oxygen species, which can damage cells and contribute to aging and diseases.


Skin health, blood vessels, bone, and cartilage health. In mega-doses becomes pro-oxidant and has been shown to help with shrinking tumors. A blend of Vitamin C, B and aminos to make you feel your best.


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Red Light Therapy is FDA- approved treatment, that involves the use of low-level red or near-infrared light to stimulate cellular function and promote healing and regeneration in various tissues of the body. At Apollo we have a state of the art Red Light Therapy room, that allows your body to have full range of motion will receiving treatment.


Compression therapy increases circulation and helps you maintain full range of motion. Therapy provides competitive performance advantage. At Apollo our boots are designed with multiple settings for lymphatic drainage, while providing full compression and more PSI.


Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine. In cupping the therapist will use oil and special cups of glass, plastic or silicone to create negative pressure. This negative pressure in cupping helps relieve pain, reduce inflammation, increase blood flow, reduce and release stagnated blood, relax tension, and can even be an alternative to deep tissue. Cupping can also be used for cellulite reduction by aiding in lymphatic drainage, stimulating fibroblasts and increasing collagen elastin. These things help improve the tone and texture of skin.


Hyperbaric therapy treatment (HBOT) enhances the body’s natural healing process, promotes growth of new blood vessels and formation of new tissue while reducing inflammation. At Apollo we have a custom built specialized chamber that provides true intracellular healing vs cosmetic. (2.0ATA)



(Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is an essential coenzyme found in all living cells. It is a key player in the metabolic process and helps to convert energy from the food we eat. Supplementing with NAD+ provides your body and its cells with more of the food those cells require to do their jobs. NAD+ also helps protect your cells from oxidative damage. NAD+ is truly what we consider an anti-aging therapy.


One of the most potent antioxidants produced by the body. It aids in reducing inflammation, boosting the immune system, helping with the regeneration of new cells, detoxifying the body, and improving sleep quality. Unfortunately, as we age, we lose the ability to naturally produce Glutathione at high levels, leaving our bodies susceptible to illness, injury, or inability to heal.


This B12/B6 vitamin and amino acid formula is perfect for those feeling run down and needing more pep. For those of you with high homocysteine levels, BioBoost can be an effective tool to correct the imbalance. Chronically high homocysteine can lead to issues with your heart, brain, and immune system. Bioboost is not just about feeling better but also protecting your body. This formula can also help reduce cardiovascular disease as well as increase the development of healthy red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout your body. B12 and B6 also have natural anti-nausea properties which can help reduce the nausea some people feel from using GLP1 medications like Semaglutide.

Weight Loss


A GLP1 peptide FDA approved for both diabetes and weight loss. We offer Semaglutide in a variety of sizes to help with dieting and weight loss. Semaglutide makes dieting much easier because of the three main benefits that it provides.

  1. Helps to regulate blood sugar by assisting the pancreas to secrete more insulin which lowers glucagon and reduces blood glucose levels. Lowering blood glucose levels not only helps to reduce cravings for sugars and carbohydrates, but also helps to keep your body in a more fat burning zone.
  2. Natural GLP1 in our bodies is the peptide responsible for telling our brains that we are full. By using a GLP1 peptide medication, like Semaglutide, you will get a sense of being full much faster along with a reduced appetite or desire to eat large portions of food.
  3. Semaglutide also slows down the speed your stomach digests food and makes you feel physically full. When you eat a small meal, your stomach will feel as if that meal is much larger and your ability to eat larger portions becomes much more difficult. This makes it much easier to eat smaller portions or skip unnecessary snacks or meals.


A once-weekly GIP (glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide) receptor and GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) receptor agonist, representing a new class of medicines studied for the treatment of obesity. Tirzepatide is a single peptide that triggers the body’s receptors for GIP and GLP-1, two natural incretin hormones.

GIP has decreased food intake and increased energy expenditure, resulting in weight reductions. Combined with a GLP-1 receptor agonist, it has a more significant effect on glucose and body weight effects.

  1. Substantial A1C reductions.
  2. Boosted weight loss.
  3. Improvements in cardiometabolic measures.
  4. Reduce appetite.

Hormone Therapy


Testosterone is the primary sex hormone, and most anabolic hormone found in men. Testosterone is what makes men, men. Low levels of testosterone can result in lower muscle mass, decreased sex drive, reduced energy, increased body fat, decreased bone density, and an overall sense of feeling like SH*T.Improve bone density, fat distribution, muscle strength and mass, sex drive & energy.


A relatively new medication used in testosterone boosting programs or to maintain intratesticular testosterone production while on testosterone replacement therapy. Enclomiphene is used by men who are wishing to stimulate their natural testosterone levels, increase fertility levels, or increase testicular size. Enclomiphene is similar to an older medication, clomiphene, which is also known as clomid but without the side effects clomid is known for.


Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber

Redlight Therapy

Compression Boots