Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a medical treatment that involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized environment, typically a hyperbaric chamber. The air pressure inside the chamber is increased to levels higher than atmospheric pressure, allowing the lungs to gather more oxygen than would be possible at normal atmospheric pressure.

During HBOT sessions, patients breathe 100% oxygen intermittently while inside the hyperbaric chamber. The increased oxygen levels in the bloodstream promote healing and provide therapeutic benefits for a variety of medical conditions. Some common uses of HBOT include:

Ricardo Wilson

Wellness Consultant

HBOT can enhance the body’s natural healing process by increasing oxygen delivery to tissues. It is used to treat wounds that are slow to heal, such as diabetic foot ulcers, non-healing wounds, and wounds related to radiation therapy.

HBOT is the primary treatment for divers who experience decompression sickness, a condition caused by the formation of nitrogen bubbles in the bloodstream due to rapid changes in pressure during ascent.

HBOT can rapidly eliminate carbon monoxide from the bloodstream by increasing the oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin, reducing the risk of tissue damage and neurological complications associated with carbon monoxide poisoning.

Support your weight management goals by promoting a metabolism boost and improved cellular function.

Counteract the effects of oxidative stress, a key contributor to aging and various health issues.

Embrace a futuristic approach to anti-aging, promoting cellular rejuvenation and vitality while also lengthening age defying telomers.

Step into our hyperbaric chambers at Apollo Wellness, where every breath takes you one step closer to a healthier, rejuvenated, and revitalized you.

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